Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gay marriage supporters take to California streets

Gay marriage supporters take to California streets


Liberals are such incredibly bad losers. Especially the one's in CA.
Nothing screams "I'm a loser" like riots every time you lose a vote, or a court case, or anything else.

The people have spoken in CA and voted down gay marriage. I should mention, though I am a right wing Christian conservative, I am not in favor of banning gay marriage. marriage is a civil institution, not a religious one nowadays, and since it's not illegal to be gay and live as a couple gay, then it shouldn't be against the law to bind that relationship in contractual form. But this isn't about that at all. This is about democracy in action! Those incredible idiots do not realize that they are not picketing an unfair system that denied them something they wanted, they are picketing the method this country uses to make public decisions, including the president they're all so excited about! If their ban gets overturned against voter opinion, then they are, in principle, also decrying the method which they selected Barack Obama in their state!

I swear people have no brains.

Your state decided. I'm sorry you don't like the outcome, now fricken GROW UP! You don't always get what you want!

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