Saturday, November 8, 2008

Palin camp tries to squelch talk of infighting

HEADLINE IN RSS - Palin camp tries to squelch talk of infighting

HEADLINE IN STORY - Palin calls attacks 'cruel' and 'cowardly'

This is one of CNN's liberal slant things that annoys me.

Palin camp *tries to squelch* talk of infighting

tries to squelch

If it were a democrat the headline would be like:

"Attacks on Palin mean spirited"

When they report on republicans, cnn headlines promote their ideals with tone. Republicans "TRY" things where democrats "DO" them.
republicans are looked down on in pity when their down, and looked up to with animosity and hatred when their up. There is never a "just the facts" approach. There is ALWAYS an undercurrent.

I know so many people that dismiss FoxNews because it's a conservative news source.. now I'm talking about hard core conservatives thinking this, not left wingers! Poeple just accept the mainstays as valid and dismiss radio and conservatives as political hacks.

We seriously need to promote our own ideas and those who espouse them. We conservatives pride ourselves on our basic live and let live philosophy, but it's destroying our way of life in the face of the "make them do it our way or destroy them" militant organized liberal militia. Liberals are spreading their disease intentionally to the young in schools and colleges and in childrens TV shows and movies. We sit back and say "let people believe what they want".

We don't need to tell people what to do like they do. We just need to stop allowing them to determine which pieces of information are considered "facts" and which ones are "rumors" and "disinformation". We need to get the word out there what conservative beliefs are and teach our children.. no our neighbors children.. all children.. what socialism is, and capitalism, and marxism, and fascism, and communism.

Children should be getting an education inour schools! first second third grade is not a bad time to teach world history and political definitions and economic basic.. I teach it to my kids.. explain taxes (the daddy tax is applied to every happy meal, and I'm getting fat because of it! 8^) what better representation of the state of our government!)

Welp, my wife's wanting me to go make breakfast like I promised.
Have fun all!

Town stunned as 8-year-old charged in two killings

Town stunned as 8-year-old charged in two killings

This doesn't even sadden me. It's horrible what they're doing to this kid. They take a little child, put him in a room and start asking him questions. Of COURSE he's going to say he did it!!

I have five boys. 8 year olds are smart, yes. But they're small children just the same. They have absolutely NO concept of what they're doing. It is simply not possible for this child to have hatched this evil plan in his little head and carried it out!

Physically.. handguns kick back when you pull the trigger. They tip up toward the ceiling. If he hit ANYthing, it would have been a lucky strike.

This whole situation is beyond absurdity.

Look, I'm not saying the kid didn't do it, but they should have been a whole lot more careful in handling the kid and making sure he was comfortable and properly represented. Jumping to conclusions so quickly is just wrong.

Gay marriage supporters take to California streets

Gay marriage supporters take to California streets


Liberals are such incredibly bad losers. Especially the one's in CA.
Nothing screams "I'm a loser" like riots every time you lose a vote, or a court case, or anything else.

The people have spoken in CA and voted down gay marriage. I should mention, though I am a right wing Christian conservative, I am not in favor of banning gay marriage. marriage is a civil institution, not a religious one nowadays, and since it's not illegal to be gay and live as a couple gay, then it shouldn't be against the law to bind that relationship in contractual form. But this isn't about that at all. This is about democracy in action! Those incredible idiots do not realize that they are not picketing an unfair system that denied them something they wanted, they are picketing the method this country uses to make public decisions, including the president they're all so excited about! If their ban gets overturned against voter opinion, then they are, in principle, also decrying the method which they selected Barack Obama in their state!

I swear people have no brains.

Your state decided. I'm sorry you don't like the outcome, now fricken GROW UP! You don't always get what you want!

My Responses To Stories

Morning all.

I use iGoogle as my homepage with a CNN news and a Fox News thingy. The CNN one has far more stories on it, so I read it more often, but sometimes it drives me fricken nuts the way they report. When you see them side by side like that it really stands out in absurdity. The stories they choose to post, the way they headline them, then, of course, the actual content.

CNN has two ways to register responses to their stories. One is links to a group of blogs, the other is like a talkback thingy with comments. Fox News has one of those second things as well, but they don't filter it at all. There's always like 20,000 responses. CNN's usually has fewer than 50 responses, and it's heavily filtered. I have no problem with the filtering. I have gotten my posts through it on more than one occasion.. not every time by any means of course, but several times.

What bothers me about it, and the reason I'm starting this blog, is that they don't have it available on every story. In fact many times they make some really ridiculous statements, or an over-the-top tone in a non-commentary article, then don't provide any means for an educated reader to point out inconsistencies, etc.

I got one right away I want to get into, so that will be my next post.

Now, let me disclaimer.

I'm a learner.. not a knower.

I don't know much about politics, the economy, the sciences I'm interested in, or much of anything. I get facts wrong sometimes, and make no apology for it, I'm talking off the top of my head and usually grab at things that are generally true.. valid point, less than perfect facts, but if you did some searches, could probably get the dead on facts. Normally the details don't discredit the point, so I don't bother getting them. It's too tedious.

So anyway. In I go.